January newsletter – clinic update
Welcome to our first newsletter. This year, we aim to be more connected with out clients providing regular updates and blog pieces. If there is anything you would like to see in our newsletter please let us know, we are always open to suggestions!
Firstly, thank you to everyone for their support across 2020 and the New Year, we are grateful to be able to provide an excellent service for our patients in these unprecedented times. The clinic remains open during lockdown with our clinicians providing high level service and support to our clients in a safe environment. PhysioSW19 adheres to strict clinical governance guidelines using PPE, rigorous cleaning, risk assessments, social distancing, and client triage. Remote sessions are also currently being offered. Therapists at PhysioSW19 are now also able to offer extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), more on this in February’s edition.
PhysioSW19 visits F.I.T partnership and their Cryotherapy Chamber
This month visited the F.I.T partnership in Wimbledon to try out their cryotherapy chamber. Cryotherapy is a common treatment in medicine to help aid the reduction of inflammation and therefore, healing times. Whole body cryotherapy is a new intervention that is becoming very popular in the treatment of sports injuries. To say it is cold would be an understatement; the first room is a balmy -60oc, allowing you to acclimatise. The next room is -110oc and this is the main part of the treatment and where you will remain for 2-3 minutes. On the left you will see our Toosie ready for her first treatment …All in the name of science!

World-renowned Orthopaedic and Sports Clinic Arrives in Wimbledon
In September, the internationally renowned Fortius Clinic opened a brand-new centre in the heart of Wimbledon. The outpatient, diagnostic and treatment centre offers rapid access to orthopaedic and sports injury.
Many of Fortius’ consultants hold eminent positions in elite sport, and the clinic takes care of more elite athletes than any other provider in Europe. Fortius has invested £4.5million in the state-of-the-art clinic on Worple Road where private patients will be able to see London’s leading surgeons and physicians for a wide range of orthopaedic conditions, sports and recreational injuries, and joint replacements.
PhysioSW19 has an excellent working relationship with Fortius Clinic having set up strong referring links to their revered specialists. We will be introducing a new consultant to you in our newsletter every month.

The Best Ergonomic Desk Set up for Optimal Posture
Posture is the way a person positions their body. Good posture is holding yourself in a way that decreases stress and strain. Poor posture increases the stress on the musculoskeletal system and can lead to pain, reduced flexibility, and an increased risk of injury. Common signs of poor posture are muscle, tightness, pain, and joint stiffness in the neck and back that worsens over the day.
To optimise posture and decrease risk of injury, it is important to move and change position regularly, take brief walks, avoid crossing your legs, and ensure your feet touch the floor and you can sit back in the chair supported (pictured opposite). It is also recommended to take part in regular activity and stretching/mobility exercises (particularly around the hips and spine). If you have any questions regarding posture or your desk set up please contact us! (Please see below for a stretch that will help with lower back pain)

Lumbar rock
Start laying on your back with your legs bent and feet supported on the floor, relax the back and leg the legs fall down to one side, then bring them back to centre and swap. Aim for 60 seconds. Focus on deep breathing for relaxation.

For further information on the conditions we treat and services we offer, or to book an appointment please call 020 8947 2053, email: admin@physiosw19.co.uk or complete the form here.