The word "Chiropractic" is derived from the Greek word meaning "treatment by hand." Initially the focus was on the spine, but as the profession evolved there is now emphasis on the entire body. Chiropractors have extensive training on spinal disorders, and the treatment and management of spinal problems through soft tissue and myofascial release, and mobilisationand manipulation of the spine. Modern Chiropractors will always give patients exercises that help to improve the overall functionality and wellbeing of a patient’s health.

Chiropractors are regarded as primary health care providers in that their training is diagnostic-oriented, meaning Chiropractors will ask questions about the condition, examine the patient, and then diagnose the problem. From that point, the Chiropractor will need to decide whether the problem is indeed something that Chiropractors can treat or whether the patient requires further investigations like X-rays, MRI, CT scan etc. or alternatively needs to be sent to another health care provider such as a GP or consultant.

Should the condition be something that Chiropractors treat or manage, then treatment will be done which may involve several different techniques like soft tissue therapy, trigger point therapy, mobilisation, manipulation which are done in a gentle manner that helps relieve pain and tension. Prevention is also our focus so rehabilitation/home exercises to promote good posture and initiate strengthening will also be advised on. Every treatment plan is unique to each patient’s individual needs to ensure speedy recovery and favourable prognosis.

Our Chiropractor treats all musculoskeletal injuries including:

When you visit our Clinic, you can expect:

At the initial consultation, patients will be asked questions about the condition affecting them; the Chiropractor will then examine the patients using orthopaedic and neurological tests and medical tests when necessary. Following this, the Chiropractor will explain to the patient exactly what is wrong and then give a plan of action regarding the treatment/ management of the condition. Occasionally patients may be referred for further tests or referred for a consultant review should the Chiropractor require a second opinion.

The action plan regarding treatment is often implemented in the first consultation to get the patient onto the path to recovery, which is pain-free and full mobility. Following treatment, the patient is often given home exercises to help facilitate healing and pain relief.

All further consultations are about continuing to treat the patient until they have made an adequate recovery from their condition. Some patients may continue to receive treatment to manage their condition, whilst others can manage with home exercises only. Each patient is unique and requires a specific individualised approach.

For further information on the conditions we treat and services we offer, or to book an appointment please call 020 8947 2053, email: or complete the form here.

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